Help! How can i lower nitrates/nitrites?


My 26 gal. tank has been running for 2 months. I thought the cycle was finished, and i still don't know, it may be done, maybe not?? My pH is 8.2, ammonia = 0, but my nitrites and my nitrates are SKY-HIGH!!! I have 4 small fish and 3 snails, 4 red leg hermits and a coral banded shrimp. I only feed them once a day. Two of my snails have died. I know i need to do a water change. My first water change after i thought the cycle finished was about 3 gallons. I've added Stress-Zyme to help the biological filter, but it doesn't seem to be working. I don't like adding chemicals to the tank. What should i do to fix the nitites/nitrates??
Any help is appreciated.
:notsure: :help:


If nitrite is sky-high, your fish shouldn't survive IMO. Make sure your test kit is working. I would use some other test kits to test your water again, maybe go to your LFS and ask them to do it for you.
4 fish might be one too many in a 26. Do you have a skimmer??? That may help as well.


A 3 gallon water change isn't much. I've had to do a 40% water change on my 50g to clear out nitrates before. Your cycle should be established enough to handle the water change.
Just my opinion.


Active Member
How much and now often do you feed? That can cause it also, If you feed every day cut back to every other day, and clean your filters in some old saltwater after you do a change.


I don't have a skimmer. Should i get one? I just started adding some live rock. I only feed them once a day, enough for them to finish in a few minutes.
Should i change the carbon in the filter every time i do a water change?
I don't have a skimmer, but i do have a powerhead and an airstone.