If it is an old used tank, you can't just remove one bead of silicone. Old silicone and new silicone will not adhere very well to each others surface.
Not only do you have to get rid of just the bottom seam, but also the four seems running up the top and around the top rim.
Use a razor blade- but the easiest thing to do is to get a razor blade holder. It's a handle with a razor that you can attach to it. It's much easier to work with and you have less of a chance of cutting yourself.
After you are done using the razor, don't just look at how clean it is, but make sure that you have no oils coming from your skin onto the surface that you are fixing to silicone. I would use some cotton cloth or cotton balls to wipe the surface with some alcohol to make absolutely sure of this.
Use some painters tape on either side of the seems, just incase you don't spread it evenly. Do NOT keep the tape on there but only for about 1hr. If you leave it on there for any longer then that, it is a pain to get off.
When you come to a corner of the aquarium, use an extra dab of silicone. This makes a better seal.
Anyways, if you have any other questions, PM me and I'll try to help.