Help!!! Huge storm coming! NO Power!!


Hey calling anybody who knows!!!!! Ahuge storm is rolling through south florida right now. what do i do if the power go out. i dont have a generator. how long can I keep the tank goin with no power??? Will a battery aeratoe help!! Caution to anybody north of sarasota-bradenton, FL a huge storm is comin!
it looks nasty!!


Active Member
a batery aerator will do good if nothing else is availible. it will make you last with fish for quite a while depending on the type of aerator and the size of your tank. Corals however though, wont have as good as a chance
you can also go in there with a giant spoon every once in a while and try to move things around a little.
back before i turned to SW, i had a 10 gallon freshwater tank. Well up here in CT we had an ice storm and the power went our for 3 days. They were tropical fish so they couldnt get cold. So i put them in a big boiling pan, like a lobster pot, but them by the fire place, but not too close (because i didnt want fish for dinner), and stirs the water all the time. They made it, but then again freshwater fish compared to saltwater fish. Get a bunch of airstones. good luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ray28576
You may also want to throw a towl over it to keep the temperature from falling to fast.
Good suggestion, I hadn't thought of that!!

Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I think if I lived in Florida or anywhere along the gulf coast states I would definately have a back up power supply system if I had a salt water tank setup. As cheap as gen sets are today its just toocheap of insurance. No one can tell how long power would be out if it gets cut. Batteries only last so long and are only good for a small aerator. Granted heat will not be too much of a problem inthese area this time of year but gen power is just to cheap not to have. Things like gen sets and battery aerators need to be on hand long before the need arises.......hmmmmmm wonder if we all bought gen sets would it maybe scare away all future hurricanes and bad storms ;-)
I may not live on the beach itself anymore, but I still have gen back up and a gen set back up for that set and also another gen set back up for that short of loosing the house let it blow and storm all it wants.


Active Member
i made a handy dandy water mvement device wth a cordless drill and some plastic....looks like a boat prop. put a couple blackets around the tank and an airator...
I've used the airator (battery operated) every hour for 10min. the boat prop also for 10 min every half hour ...... no fish died for a 6hr power outage. in a 90g tank.

i didnt have corals ayt the time but i would think that someone would have some results of using a flashlight or similar,...


before I bought a generator I went down to a tckle store ( walmart would also work ) and bought a bunch of bait bubblers. They are battey powered and I had 3 of them in my 240g tank last time my power went out. I would definately stock up on batteries though as these things only last about 5 hours on a set.


When my power went out for 3 days. I used a large cup to scoop up the water and pour it back in about a foot high than the tank. This stirred up the water and produced oxygen at the same time.
Worked great, no fish deaths. Just a little aggravating. And it was cheap.

sinner's girl

I would be more worried about the temp raising than falling...battery opperated fans...or something...with no ac to keep the tank chest of ice (frozen ro water) or those freezer can float bags of ice or frozen coke bottles.
after the power came back from Katrina, my dad got a generator from work (a little late though)...with no ac in the middle of summer it's hot! even the dog got hot and mom gave her cool baths.
Good luck.
and yeah, if I lived further south I'd have a gen, though ya know, I lived near New Olreans for 16 years without a major problem...if power went out it was only for a few hours and power could go out anytime for any reason (I remember one HOT summer day the stupid power was out for some stupid ac....)


Originally Posted by chipmaker
I think if I lived in Florida or anywhere along the gulf coast states I would definately have a back up power supply system if I had a salt water tank setup. As cheap as gen sets are today its just toocheap of insurance. No one can tell how long power would be out if it gets cut. Batteries only last so long and are only good for a small aerator. Granted heat will not be too much of a problem inthese area this time of year but gen power is just to cheap not to have. Things like gen sets and battery aerators need to be on hand long before the need arises.......hmmmmmm wonder if we all bought gen sets would it maybe scare away all future hurricanes and bad storms ;-)
I may not live on the beach itself anymore, but I still have gen back up and a gen set back up for that set and also another gen set back up for that short of loosing the house let it blow and storm all it wants.
Hey finally someone else from Alabama....Was starting to I was the only one...