Help I am losing ground Fast....

55 gallon

New Member
Help...I am having some prob;ems with my tank, Tank is about 2 years old, recently I have been losing animals...Started about 2 weeks ago.. Out of the blue my Zoos started not opening...and then my pulsing Xenias greyed and died, Then zoos died off then my Goniopora wilted and died...and now my Orange Linkia Star seems to be losing his color and disintegrating before my eyes...I have checked all levels and nothing sems out of order....ANY IDEAS???? Please email me directly at also post here,as I do not check these boards everyday.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 55 Gallon
Help...I am having some prob;ems with my tank, Tank is about 2 years old, recently I have been losing animals...Started about 2 weeks ago.. Out of the blue my Zoos started not opening...and then my pulsing Xenias greyed and died, Then zoos died off then my Goniopora wilted and died...and now my Orange Linkia Star seems to be losing his color and disintegrating before my eyes...I have checked all levels and nothing sems out of order....ANY IDEAS???? Please email me directly at also post here,as I do not check these boards everyday.
What lights? RO water? If your RO water or light bulbs are bad, they can slowly kill corals and the corals can have melt downs and put toxins in the water that will kill fish and inverts.

55 gallon

New Member
Lighting is Orbit 4X65W(Manufacturer is Current) Tank is 55 Gallon. Not RO water, but all water is run through Tap Water Filter from Aquarium Pharmaceuticals...been doing it this way since tank inception...What test will show the toxins your talking about if any?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 55 Gallon
Lighting is Orbit 4X65W(Manufacturer is Current) Tank is 55 Gallon. Not RO water, but all water is run through Tap Water Filter from Aquarium Pharmaceuticals...been doing it this way since tank inception...What test will show the toxins your talking about if any?
Water is suspect. Goniapora will probably die anyway no matter how good your tank is. I don't think there is a test for toxins. 260 watts PC is not much lighting for a 55, especially if the bulbs are over 1 yr old? Have you changed the filter media or bulbs?

55 gallon

New Member
I change filter media monthly, bulbs are older than 1 year... You think all of the sudden lighting is my problem.... even the linkia?


Active Member
Get a TDS meter and do a TDS on the water that comes out from the tap water filter.
What are the exact water levels?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 55 Gallon
PH 7.8
Ammonia Zero
Alkalinity 2.0
Nitrates 10
Nitrites zero
Phosphate 1.0
Spec Grav- 1.023
temp 80
Those levels are definitely not in order to me.
Your pH is on the low side, your alkalinity is definitely low, your SG is low (for a linckia star), and the phosphates are too high (for coral).

55 gallon

New Member
Please tell me what your levels are in your tank...These levels are in line every time I test and never had a problem until 2 weeks ago. But i am listening. Thanks.

55 gallon

New Member
I do agree on the PH... My normal ph is around 8.2. I have been adding Marine buffer this week to bring up PH level


Active Member
Why is your SG 2 points higher now?
And your pH may be 8.2 now, but with a low alk like you have, the pH will be back down. Marine Buffer will do little to resolve the problem. The alk problem must be fixed first.
Your phosphate levels should be 0, and for linckia's, long term, they need a stable specific gravity of 1.025 or even a tad higher to survive.

55 gallon

New Member
I did a water change this past week and I was about 5 gallons low from evaporation, that has also been must have leveled out with the change...not sure. What will fix the ALk problem? Do you think its too late for this Linkia?


Active Member
It is probably too late for the linckia. They are a very sensitive animal.
As for the alkalinity, pick up a dkH or alkalinity buffer. Kent makes Super dkH buffer and SeaChem makes a very good Alkalinity buffer also. Either one will do just fine.
Another thing that may have harmed the fish is the fast manor in which you brought up the SG 2 points. When you do a water change, the water you are putting back in should be as close to exact (to your tank) as possible. How long do you mix your water for your water change before it goes in your tank?
I would also see if your LFS has a TDS meter that they could check your water with as well. If they do not, find a local reefer in your area who owns an RO unit. They almost definitely will have a TDS meter.


Active Member
If you have any other questions and I do not see this thread updated, just PM me back to this thread and I would be glad to help.