Help, I can not figure it out



After having one disaster after another
I am finally starting to make some head way. I have a very talented friend that help me build my stand here is a pic,,, what do you think? and a pic of my sump



This thread ROCKS. I'm getting a new tank soon, so I am very interested how you eventually get everything all set up.


Ok I have a few more questions. First, with my plumbing should the overflow pipe be submersed in the sump? Or should it be above the water line? <please tell me that it should be submersed I don’t want it to be noisy> second I have made my dorso standpipe and was reading on another thread that you cannot silicon acrylic to glass. So how am I going to make this water tight?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flukes
Ok I have a few more questions. First, with my plumbing should the overflow pipe be submersed in the sump? Or should it be above the water line? <please tell me that it should be submersed I don’t want it to be noisy> second I have made my dorso standpipe and was reading on another thread that you cannot silicon acrylic to glass. So how am I going to make this water tight?
It won't hurt to be submerged.


Finally PROGRESS!!!
Thank very much for all of your help Wattsupdoc and everyone else here
!!! This project has taken me a lot longer than I would have hoped, but it is finally coming to a close. Here are several pictures of what I have done so that maybe it will help out someone else (and to brag a little LOL
). I have not glued together any of my piping yet I was hoping to get some feedback from you guys before I do (once it is glued I cannot change it) and I will add braces to the pipes after I glue it together.


here is the stand with out the top on it yet (like i said earilier i have an awesome friend that helped me with this)


I used SCSInet's idea of placing foam board under a floating top board


And i also made the bottom to the stand water tight incase if my sump overflowed, i am sure that this will not hold water for any length of time but i will take all of the help that i can get.


Here is my 90 gallon tank that I had drilled and I panted the back of the tank with kryon black spray paint. This is were i started sizing up the standpipe.


on the overflow i used a Dremel to cut the notches on the top (probable not the best way to do this)


Active Member
Looks fine,
wheres the noise coming from? You'll probably have to takle the noise on a case by case basis. Probably the standpipe first? Then down to the sump.


I believe that most of the noise that I hear is to be expected… but would love to quiet it down a bit. The water purring into the overflow makes a lot of noise… I made some adjustments to try to help with that by grinding a slop in each of the lobes that the water passes though so that the water stays on the side of the overflow instead of just dumping down into the overflow (I hope this makes sense) there is only about a 2-3 inch water level differences between the water in the overflow and in the tank.
Next, in the sump where the water enters, it is bring down a lot of air with the water which makes a ton of noise. On the top of the standpipe I drilled a ¼ inch hole on the cap. I have tried to cut back on the air that goes through that hole hoping that this will fix my problem but it did not, but the water level inside of the overflow dropped. Any ideas?
And here is a pic of it up and running.
I know that the pictures are hard to see but the water is coming from the pipe that is in the back, i wraped a filter around it for a prefilter so all of the bubbles now are very small but many.



and i shut off the skimmer so that you could see that the bubbles are being produced by the water coming down from the DT.


Active Member
The water purring into the overflow makes a lot of noise…
Raise the standpipe up till the water level inside the OF is just under the teeth
Next, in the sump where the water enters, it is bring down a lot of air with the water which makes a ton of noise.
See attached pic.
On the top of the standpipe I drilled a ¼ inch hole on the cap. I have tried to cut back on the air that goes through that hole hoping that this will fix my problem but it did not, but the water level inside of the overflow dropped. Any ideas?
Drill the hole out large enough to accept a 3/8 in poly tube. Slip it in and superglue it to hold it tight. Then run this to below the stand. If it's still noisy put it into a milk jug as a muffler.
And here is a pic of it up and running.
I know that the pictures are hard to see but the water is coming from the pipe that is in the back, i wraped a filter around it for a prefilter so all of the bubbles now are very small but many.
Thats what the porpouse of the firstset of baffles was. Stop the bubbles as well as a place for arock rubble piile. You left those out unfortunatly. The T may help it though.


what if you didnt want all the pipes coming off the back of the tank and how would you plumb the closed loop system


Thanks again Whatsupdoc, I will get started on it tonight and let you know how it goes


I am sorry I have been backed up because of work but I did use the T on the bottom of the drain and that helped just as long as I wrap a filter around it, otherwise it makes more noise because of the high flow shooting out across the water surface. I just picked up the parts that I need to raise up the stand pipe (when I went to the store the first time I forgot that I used 1 ¼ pipe for the standpipe) I hope to install this before this weekend. I will keep you updated.
Thanks again for all of your help!!!!!!!