:help: To start, I have a 39g, about 40-45lbs. LR, 40lbs. sand, a Filstar xP1 canister filter, powerhead, Visi jet skimmer, 2 cleaner shrimp, 2 strawberry crabs, several little hermits, 4 snails, and a pajama cardinal. I do water changes every 3 weeks with RO saltwater I buy at the LFS. My prams look like this...
SG - 1.023
Ammonia - 0
pH - 8.2
Nitrites - 0
Nitrates - 20
Water change will bring the nitrates down, but only temporarily, then they go right back up.
Although the canister filter was just added a couple of weeks ago, changed from eclipse biowheel, I was having the same trouble before the change. I feed daily with frozen food. Everybody eats and leaves no crumbs. I've been giving small pieces of the sheet seaweed, which the crabs, hermits, and shrimp really love, about every 3 days. And again, they seemingly eat it all, if that makes any difference.
What am I doing...or not doing? What do I need to do...or not do? I would really like to add 2 - 3 more fish and some coral, but can't until this is resolved.
SG - 1.023
Ammonia - 0
pH - 8.2
Nitrites - 0
Nitrates - 20
Water change will bring the nitrates down, but only temporarily, then they go right back up.

What am I doing...or not doing? What do I need to do...or not do? I would really like to add 2 - 3 more fish and some coral, but can't until this is resolved.