Help! I have a dilema!


Help Im in a little pickle..
I want to add 4 clownfish. A pair of oc's and a pair of BW's. I know for this to work I need to add them at the same time. Hows this going to affect my bioload. Currently I only have a cleanup crew in there. Theres 2lb's of LR per gallon of tank. Its also fully cured and mature LR thats been established for well over 2 years. But the past two months its been sitting in an near empty bio-load tank. Also, My QT is only 20x10x13(Btw how many gallons is that?). My LFS's here suck! So if I wanted to order my fish online, its $35 shipping for anything $0-250(sticking with a certain website for their 14 day garuntee). So I mean I would like to order all my fish at once. Hows my bio-load going to handle this?
The stocklist is this..
Tailspot Blenny
Fiji Foxface
Whitecheek Tang
Pair Percula Clownfish
Pair of Black And White.
Sixline Wrasse
Lawnmower - Orange Spotted
Im thinking of ordering everything, tossing all but the tang into the DT and QT'ing the tang. What would you guys do?


Prior to your fish purchase, start “juicing” your bacteria colony. Take a shrimp and turn him into mush. Add water from your tank and make a puree. Add a half a teaspoon of this to your tank every other day for a week; keep the rest in your fridge. As the shrimp juice breaks down, your bacteria will increase in numbers to handle the load. Turn off your protein skimmer on the day you add this stuff, otherwise it will remove the majority and your bacteria will not reproduce to the numbers you need.
Keep a very close watch on your water parameters while you do this. Technically you are adding poison, which is what all waste is, to your tank. This is no different than adding more fish, with the exception that you can control how much “waste” gets added into your tank through this method. If you see a spike in ammonia, don’t add more shrimp juice until it is gone. If you don’t register a spike, then continue on and increase the amount you add to the tank. Two days before you fish arrive, cease adding the juice. Your bacteria colony will have grown in numbers and the bio load of your new fish will not have the same impact.


Active Member
You know you can order from and not pay shipping as long as you spend more than 79 bucks. At least that is what I believe the deal is on this site, although I have never purchased live goods from here. They also have a 14 day guarantee as long as you follow their acclimation methods.


Active Member
If you add all those fish your ammonia is going to shoot through the roof and most likely everything will die, has this tank had any fish before? Pick two and add them, if you don't qt everything there's no point in having one, the clowns can get brookynella if stressed so they really need to be qt'd. Add the least aggressive fish first and buy some coral or cleanup crew instead, don't add that many fish at once!


Alright to clarify some. There is a CUC currently in the tank. The tank had fish before, but was moved and resetup. Its my understanding if I want to be successful in adding 2 oc's and 2 BWs I need to add them ALL at the same time? Or can I just order a pair of each, QT, add and hope they get along? I love the idea of the shrimp puree, its just what I was thinking I needed, just didnt know the specifics on how to go about it. Thanks for all the great info guys, and I also think its a huge fault on me for people not understanding,its easy with my terribly composed sentences.


Also, hows this for an adding order, from first to last
Pair Percula Clownfish
Pair of Black And White.
Tailspot Blenny
Lawnmower - Orange Spotted
Sixline Wrasse
Fiji Foxface
Whitecheek Tang
Hows that look?