Help...I killed all my fish


New Member
My tank was well established and had live rock, 2 Clowns, a Blue Damsel (I kept him as he was not aggressive), Royal Gramma, Green Mandarin, an Angel, a Trigger.
The Trigger developed ich so off to the fish store I went. I bought Quick Cure and per the instructions, put in 45 drops for my 45 gal tank. I also gave him a freshwater bath. The next morning I woke up and my Angel was dead. I really didnt know what to think but continued to use the Quick Cure later that night. Within 10 min. of putting the Quick Cure in, the Green Mandarin was laying on the rocks barely staying alive. Needless to say, I woke up the next morning with all my fish dead. Ironically, there was a Hermit Crab that I hadn't seen in weeks crusing around. This was the only bright spot to my disaster.
Can anybody tell me how I was able to kill them all off.
Brian :confused:


Staff member
How bad was the ich? What is the ingredients to that product?
Basically, those so called "reef safe" products are not very effective and are unpredictable in the aquarium.


New Member

Originally posted by Beth
How bad was the ich? What is the ingredients to that product?
Basically, those so called "reef safe" products are not very effective and are unpredictable in the aquarium.

Thanks for asking...I just found this:
Malachite green - This is the most commonly suggested treatment. Malachite green is a very minor but powerful ingredient in Quick Cure. Malachite green is deadly to any fish. It is similar to using chemo therapy in cancer treatment on humans, as it damages the fish at the same time as it kills the parasite. Tetras do tolerate this treatment well and it is especially hard on neons and cardinals. Back way off on recommended dosages. Quick Cure recommends 10 drops in a 20 gallon tank for tetras, but we recommend not more than 2 or 3 drops in a tank that size. You can get a half drop dose by releasing a drop in a cup of water, stirring and then discarding half the solution. For plecos the most common recommendation is to avoid using Quick Cure.


Staff member
That medication is not effective for treating ich. Please take a look at the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum, and post on ICH. The treatment options for ich is detailed there.


Next time can i just suggest a 10 gal quaranteen tank...that and a coupla drops of coppersafe will safe ur next set of buddies...