Help I think I have a BUG!????


When I came home tonight I turned on the light to the tank and I saw a little white(for lack of better terms) BUG! Running around in my polyp garden!:eek: Should I be worried? What the /@$% is it?:confused: I am freaking out, Please help.


Active Member
Most likely its some sort of Pod. They are good for the tank. Do a search for more info and pictures.


I agree, there is nothing wrong with pods, they feed off of microagleas and excess food. It shows that your tank is becoming biodiverse. As for what kind? There are so many it is hard to tell, like previous response, do a search and you might be able to identify.
I have something similar in my tank. I only ever see them in the overflow boxes, and they are too small to see any detail.


Active Member
I've determined that the ones I have are "amphipods" and that's all they do is run, as of yet I haven't seen them do anything besides run, and float when they get thrown from a PH.


No problem, that pic was just one of many, many types of amphipods, question is why would you have an austrailian amphipod in your aquarium? :D LOL guess he could have hitch hiked.