I've been having problems lately with my leather coral being very shrunken and having little pinch marks in the flesh of it. I thought it might be my water quality but this morning before lights on I saw one of my emerald crabs on top of it...I didn't see him actually doing anything but does anyone know if these little guys will eat the flesh of leather corals. Of course I was told they were reef safe. I've had them in the tank for about 2 months.
If I need to get rid of him...how do I catch him?? Do they make emerald crab traps?
I was thinking a glass on its side at angle with some food would do the trick...any suggestions?
If I need to get rid of him...how do I catch him?? Do they make emerald crab traps?
I was thinking a glass on its side at angle with some food would do the trick...any suggestions?