help i think my lionfish has ick


what does ick look like?? i think my lion fish has it, but it is not in spots it looks like his skin, but its white. i would get soom pics. but it doesnt show up!!!


Active Member
Ich will look like small salt sprinkles on the fish. What exactly are you seeing?
How long have you had this fish? Do you quarantine, or do you have a quarantine tank to use? A picture would be helpful. Please read the FAQ section at the top of this forum, particularly about disease identification and see if your problem resembles anything shown.
Also post back with your water parameters; specifically nitrate, pH, temp and salinity. What are you feeding the fish? What else is in the tank?


yep its ick. I have had this fish for 3 months. i do have a quarantine tank and he is in it. I also have a stingray but he does no show any signs of it, and that is all i have. nitrate, pH, and salinity are all level but the timp. is about 70 degrees so ill raise that. what els should i do.


Staff member
Perhaps he has head and lateral line erosion. Take a look at the examples of ich and head and lateral line erosion (HLLE) in the Diseased Fish Thread stickied at the top of this forum.


If your lion is shedding it will be whitish in color, lions will shed their cuticle when they have Ich, this helps to try and rid the parasite from the body.
But, you may be dealing with two different things right now.
If the fins are disintegrating it may be fin rot, check your water, do a water change and treat with antibiotics, which you will find at your LFS.
If your lion has Ich and is in a quarantine tank, Hyposalinity


Originally Posted by jakob
i died
it only showed signs of what ever it was for 3 days.
I am sorry to hear that. Was the lion in with any other fish? If so, watch them very closely.


yea two damsels but they died also. I thank I have my clear nosed skate to blame. it might have felt threatened and put some kind of chemical in the cage.


Originally Posted by jakob
yea two damsels but they died also. I thank I have my clear nosed skate to blame. it might have felt threatened and put some kind of chemical in the cage.

Did the damsels have white spots as well? If so then you should leave that tank fishless for 6 weeks to be certain all of the ich is dead before introducing any fish. If this happened in the dt then just wait at least 3 weeks before buying a new fish. The new fish will be in qt for 3 weeks. By the time the new fish will be ready for the dt all ich will be dead.


no it was more of a white gloss and it was on there eyes. the lion fish did not have white spots it was sand. but if they did get ick would it kill them in there days? the first damsel did in one day,and why doesn't my skate have it yet?
the reason i thank it was the skate is b/c he just hatched out and he never moved until all the fish were gone and now he is moving and eating.