I had a ich issue a little while back..i noticed that i had some Rid ich so i added it...thinking i had gill flukes a couple weeks later i added paraguard but i think i was too late and my wrasse died...After a few weeks without fish i decided to start by adding a couple small occilarus clowns and a small trigger. Before hand the lfs guy told me he saw some spots on the clowns and to give him a couple days, then come back and get them. So i came back a few days later and got two. Yesterday i noticed a few small whilte dots on my clown..Today it has gotten worse!
So my question is..is the ick from my tank "Still" present or is it more likely that the clowns weren't treated and retintroduced the ick into my tank? Either or they are at the early stages as of now ..Does Rid ick "work" and if so/not can i add some of my Paraguard tomorrow or should i stick with the Rid ick ..."if it does work"?????