Help??? Ick or what???


My naso tang has been in the QT for 9 days now. It has been doing well until today I noticed white spots on its lips. Is this ick or what??? Wish I could post a pic, but cannot


Active Member
without a pic its hard to tell exactly what it is is he in a medicated qt? do the spots look like fuzz?please describe qt reasoning and any other symptoms you can


really no other symptoms to report other than the stuff on his lips. I put coppersafe in the tank yesterday & he actually looks better today.


Staff member
Copper is not the best choice for tangs. Can you do hyposalinity? Read the info in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum for info on ich and hyposalinity.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bunnyl99
really no other symptoms to report other than the stuff on his lips. I put coppersafe in the tank yesterday & he actually looks better today.
glad to hear it. also make sure hes getting lots of good veggie foods to help boost his amune system .also after treatment add a small dose of melafix to the tank at least before adding him back to main tank this will help build back up his slime coat.this may not have been ich but a mouth fungus .if it reuturns just in case the coppersafe does kill the bacteria (which I think it does) the melafix will.but it sounds like you have it all under control


Thanks for the compliment! I've only done saltwater for 1 1/2 yrs, but there is never a day I don't stop learning!
Never realized there was so much to learn. Thanks to the people on this site I've become alot wiser!


I have used melafix, but ran out---gotta get more to keep on hand! Wondering if I can add the melafix in about a week or 2?? Wondering if the coppersafe will interact w/it? Coppersafe is supposed to treat the tank for 1 month. Don't want to keep this guy in the QT for a whole month. His mouth looks much better today, but isn't eating today??


Active Member
i have used them together with no ill effects to reduce some of the stress becuase melafix is a natural remody for anti fungal and bacteria which the coppersafe may not cure if its isnt ich.the main difference with coppersafe and other copper treaments is that it is also meant as a perventative in all types of aquariums.sw tropical fresh and brackish lower amounts of dosing and less often it does not kill off all bacterial forms of life in the fw (i havent yet tried this in sw yet but have in my fw) doesnt harm the plant life.and does dont lose effectivnes due to is assencially a milder form of copper treatment with the same effectiveness as other treatments


Active Member
Originally Posted by bunnyl99
People like you make these boards so valuable! Thanks for the input
ty and your most welcome, i hope for the best for the lil guy


not meaning to hijack but unleashed could you check out on my thread called AGRESSIVE REEF? in thee agresive forum please!