help ID Amiracle wet/dry filter

I got my wet/dry from a friend that no longer has his tank running. I was new to the hobby and I thought that the filter was suitable for a 125gal tank, which he had and I also have. But browsing around I suddenly don't think that the filter is suitable.
Please help the measurments are 24x8x14. Again it's a Amiracle wet/dry. :confused:


What you have is a SL-150 they say it is for a 55-100 gal tank, I see that you have a 125 I have the same size tank with the same size filter and no live rock, I just run a a/c500 and a canister filter with it and my levels have never been a problem, and the tank has been setup for 2 1/2 years. I see you have l/r in your tank you might to just add another mech filter and you should be fine. Good Luck
Thanks guppie, I knew that it was too small. It's good to know now. I actually havn't added the l/r yet but I'm in the process. Thanks again for the info.