Help ID coral please


Active Member
Colts come in differenmt colors, or it can be a kenya, I have a white one. I have seen them in white, tans, and browns. I think yours is fine. Its bristling up nicely. They like good lighting.


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
looks like a colt but I cant say healthy it looks bleached out to me. it has good structure but the coloring is off for a colt coral.
here is a link to the colt I had till it melted.
I was wondering how healthy it was myself. When I bought it (2 weeks ago) it seemed fuller and it was bright yellow. Now it's a pale yellow and a bit smaller/droopier.
I have it in a medium flow area at the bottom of my tank. I run 2x250watt MH for lighting.
Any suggestions?


it could also be a dyed colt or another colt type coral that will loose it appealing color in time. for sure I dont know there are some different color combinations out there but very very FEW a true white most all of them are bleached from wrong lighting or a massive jump in lighting.
Latin Name Cladiella
Common Name Yellow Colt Coral
Also known as Yellow Colt Coral
Fast Facts The occasionally seen yellow Colt Corals are artificially died in Indonesia, where are collected. They dye eventually fades, but does not harm the coral. We do not stock these popular corals, nor are they regularly available, but if you want one, please contact us and we'll get one for you when available.
One of the best of all soft corals for the aquarium. Colt Corals are tan in color and have a highly branching form and are covered in small polyps. These corals grow quickly and can quickly become a showpiece. Does best in bright lighting and strong water movement, they can adapt to a wide variety of conditions. Larger specimens are more "branchy" than smaller ones and make an impressive display with pulsing water movement. Medium sized pieces are regularly available, larger and smaller pieces are less frequently available.
Note: These soft corals can expand and contract tremendously. Size will vary from smaller when you receive them, to larger until they have adjusted to your aquarium for a period of weeks
kenya tree coral I dont think its a kenya tree coral though


Active Member
Here's a pic of my white kenya, to the right of the frogspawn. It is completely white at the stalk, and thats why they call it a white kenya, but when its tenicles come out they are tannish color. I ordered it on line and thought the tenicles would be white also, but not so. I was alittle disappointed.


there are several corals that are white ar the stlk but the poylps are brown or tan or even another coral. but what I was refering to was a true white coral there are very few of them. but liek you said it was labeled as a white kenya tree coral even though its not completely white.
with this coral a bright yellow coral like this one has suggests a dye job. is it absolute nope just what it looks like. alot of corals are dyed to make them more disirable kinda like a pink or yellow seabae in the wild there is no such thing in the pet shop someone got the bright idea to inject it with die and sell it for more. the problem is that it doesnt last and sometimes if the coral isnt that hardy to begin with it can die from it.
Nice tank BTW. love the flame angel and zoos


Originally Posted by MichaelTX
what happened to it?
sorry to here that its gone though .
I am not sure what happened, it just melted away. I am guessing it was dyed and didn't take to that very well! It seemed to worsen day by day after we brought it home. I think it somehow killed my xenias on it's way out too, they are all dead and gone now as well.


unfortunatly it happens with colts not sure why mine actually started to melt for no reason healthy one day and melting away the next I managed to frag away some good parts and saved some of it. never did figure out what happened but it took out the xenia I had aswell when it happened,.


Really eh?!, I have been wracking my brain trying to figure out what else might have killed mine. Thanks, now I can stop running test and worrying about it, LOL