Help Id On Hitchhiker Crab



I just got some live rock yesterday and I have a new crab that crawled out of it. I can't seem to id it by anything I've seen on here or the 1000 other sites I've been to. So I'm hoping that maybe the pics will get an ID for me.


New Member
I just picked up the same crab at the lfs for 3 bucks and I need to know if it is reef safe or not. I hope one of you guys can ID it. :help:


Active Member
I am not sure on ID but if you want to know if it is safe, try to feed it some shrimp or other meat, if it does I would say it is not safe and get it out :joy:


Active Member
i have a reef tank and the only food that goes in is usually mysis shrimp which would be considered a meat and nothing bothers anything. most crabs are going to scavange for things so i dont know that that is a fair test on if it is reef safe


Active Member
This test will only saw if that crab is herbivous or carnivourus,some people dont want to take chances on any meat eating ones ,they only want herbivourus-just to be shure.I agree they are sacvengers but some dont eat meat at all.Some meat eaters will not cause problems in the reef tank but if you cant ID it then this at least gives some info on it


Active Member
Well it sure is pretty, although the bright red ones like that are usually trouble. The meat test isn't a good test in my opinion because I'd have to throw out all my hermits and my emerald crab if I went by that. I think almost every crab out there is going to grab a free meat dinner if given the chance, you just want to stear clear of the ones that take things that aren't ready to be eaten.
If you have a sump, dump him in there until you get an ID. You could also closely monitor it to see its feeding and personality traits.


Active Member
Good idea Mr. Bill,I dont keep crabs or hermits (just a couple that have hitched in on the LR) I have only read of the meat test never tried it myself :jumping:


i can't id the crab but i can tell you if it is aggressive or not by the shape of it's claws. if the claws points curve down and in a bit then they are non aggressive. if the claws come to a sharp point straight out like the blue crabs you eat then it is aggressive.


Thanks for the help all he appears to be non meat eating and his claws are pointed down and he seems to get along with my camel shrimp.


Active Member
Originally Posted by anthropo
i can't id the crab but i can tell you if it is aggressive or not by the shape of it's claws. if the claws points curve down and in a bit then they are non aggressive. if the claws come to a sharp point straight out like the blue crabs you eat then it is aggressive.
pretty interesting :thinking: learn something new everyday :joy: