Help ID these spots???


Can anyone tell me if these spots on my puffer are ick?? Or if they are some other form of paracite...


Can anyone tell me for sure if this is ick. I would hate to start treating for it and it be something else


Active Member
If they are about the size of salt grains, I would say it is ich. How long had the fish had the spots?


Active Member
Looks to be ich to me also. The ich was probably in the tank, and you stressed the fish out by doing a hasty water change. What other fish are in the tank? Do you have live rock? Inverts? If so, how much of each?


I agree that it is ich. Please post your answers to Lion_crazz's questions. Also, do you have a qt tank set up?


Active Member
along with lion_crazz's questions....
how long have you had him?
how was he at the lfs? or not? And if active, how was he when you first got him?
has he eaten since you've had him?


I have had him for about a month and a half. Got him from saltwaterfish, he seemed to be doing good until right after the water change. In the tank I have a camel back shrimp, knobby starfish, blue sea urchin, green chromis, damsel, and a percula clown. I do have about 25lbs of LR. Yes I know i need to triple that for my tank. That is in the works. He has eaten a coral banded shrimp and a fire fish. I started feeding him live ghost shrimp and he was tearing those guys up. Also after the water change he seems to have gone blind imo. Always running into things and I haven't seen him eat in about a week.


Originally Posted by dmcoug9
I have had him for about a month and a half. Got him from saltwaterfish, he seemed to be doing good until right after the water change. In the tank I have a camel back shrimp, knobby starfish, blue sea urchin, green chromis, damsel, and a percula clown. I do have about 25lbs of LR. Yes I know i need to triple that for my tank. That is in the works. He has eaten a coral banded shrimp and a fire fish. I started feeding him live ghost shrimp and he was tearing those guys up. Also after the water change he seems to have gone blind imo. Always running into things and I haven't seen him eat in about a week.
First, that puffer lives off of inverts and small fish in the wild. I am not surprised that he ate your shrimp and fish. Second, these are MESSY puffers. You don't have enough biological filtration to support that kind of fish. What are your exact readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, SG, and temp? Whether you had ich in you tank before the puffer or after. It is in there now. All of your fish need to be treated. Pull your rock out into a rubbermaid and hypo the display.