Help ID this one


I am still running a scrubber and just noticed these 3 heads growing in the tub.
The first picture shows 2 heads, the second picture is a zoomed in shot of the head.
Third pic is the big guy on the side, it's about 2 inches long and the head is about an inch in diameter.
Last picture is the only thing in the tank that looks like it (Button Pylops).
The scrubber has to CF bulbs about 2700K which could contribute to the lack of color, and I haven't had an aptisia in about 5 months in the DT.
There are also 2 large cleaner shrimp and one very large peppermint in the DT if that help...
On to the pictures...



Active Member
the first 3 look like aiptaisa anemones which will start spreading like crazy and will sting corals. You should get rid of them with joes juice or aiptasia x, or any off brand aiptasia killer. Peppermint shrimp will also eat aiptasia
the 4th is some type of pylop im not sure what kind though


If they are aptisia then I will just wash out the tub to get rid of them, it's just a 40 gallon rubbermaid that I hang my algae scrubber in.


Active Member
make sure you get all of the flesh, they can regenerate themsleves out of almost nothing.


Ok thanks, they will be gone this afternoon... BTW I spotted them crawling in there to look at the bottom of my tank...


I was hoping someone would get that reference...
No crawly things, just some algae where the scrubber lights light it up.