Help ID White Spots...


New Member
Semi soft and domed. Popped one like bubble wrap with my thumb nail. They don't move, but after the initial "explosion" there hasn't been any noticable expansion. The zoos were a very beautiful, healthy bunch... now they aren't. I first saw them on a dead clam on the live rock, then they quickly spread to this zoo rock, a couple other places on the live rock and a few on the acrylic wall, though no particular pattern. Algae seems to grow over them like they aren't there.


New Member
They don't move. Zoos were open all the time, now not very often and the ones in the middle rarely open at all. Spots have been present from the initial live rock set-up (6 weeks).


New Member
Salinity: 1.023
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
Phos: 0
Ph: 8.2
Calcium: 320 (Calcium reactor has only been online about 8 days)
Ammonia: 0
Kh: 9
Temp: 79
4 - 400 watt metal halide
550 Gallon tank with 180 Gallon refrug/sump
It's weird, they really haven't expanded, multiplied or changed in weeks, except for the adverse affect on the zoo colony in the pic. I thought (er, hope) it may be one of those early tank things that go away as the tank matures.
Thanks for trying. I've spent a lot of time reading posts, but haven't seen anything like this in discussion.
On the fun side, I'll post some pics of the set-up soon. You can't tell from the sickly zoo pic, but most of the rest of the tank is outstanding.