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This has been on the bottom of my tank for about 2 weeks. I took something similar out during my last water change, but it seems to have grown back with a vengence.
It kind of looks like mold. Sorry I couldn't get a better picture, but this was the best I could do. Should I be worried about it?
I had the same thing after I got my new lights. It turned in to a hair algea and was soon all over my sand bed. have you change bulbs or lighting on you tank? Have you check for phosphates?
Do you have nitrate reads. Are they at 0? I had to start doing 20% water changes every week and sometimes twice a week when I had time to. I also cut the amount of time I had my lights on. Its hard to tell by you pic does it look kind of a dark grey color?
It's the same as what I had it started small and spread fast. Are your bulbs 16 months old? If they are I would put in new ones they should be changed every 12 months depending on what kind you have. I did extra water changes and reduce my hours of lighting cleaned my sand very good every time I did a water change. It has finally went a way but it has take about 3 weeks


Active Member
most t5's should be changed between 9-12 months. if you're not running them at crazy hours, you could reach close to 16 months on a good fixture