Help identify this fish please...


New Member
I was told today by someone who saw the fish in person that it was not a lantern.
He said he thought it was a hybrid of some type, if wild caught, which I assume he was. He mentioned Epholopholis Polleni and a Banded Grouper as the closet things he could think of. Thoughts? A Polleni is pictured below. The fins are different among other things.
He is becoming even more aggressive. He devoured my Damsel (larger than the spotted in the tank) and will attack my hand if placed in the tank. Currently in the tank is the unknown fish we are discussing, a spotted grouper slightly smaller than him, a brittle star, and a larger Fiji Foxface.
Oddly enough, this fish and the spotted seem almost to be friends. They will even share the same hiding spots to the point of resting against one another, when the spotted isnt attatched to the rocks (often upside down) blending in.


New Member
Just going through tons of random google images after typing in latern basslet i found him I think!
Diplectrum formosum
Sand perch:
This doesn't sound good considering his tank mate:
"Predators of the sand perch include snappers, groupers, red porgy (Pagrus pagrus
), red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus
), bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas
), and various sea birds. Other large piscivorous fish such as jacks and barracudas probably also prey on the sand perch."
"Sand perch are also caught and utilized as grouper, snapper, and shark bait
Might need to move him in the near future as the grouper gets bigger.
It does not sound like he is a good tankmate. He is a gamefish and will grow up to 30 cm or ~1 ft long. Diet consist of fish and crustacians. No wonder he ate the Damsel. In the Sea Bass and Grouper family.