help identify


Originally Posted by NigerBang
seems like in another of your post I just saw there was a pic of the unopened buttons and a cleaner shrimp on them..hmmm strange

i think he meant he doesn't have the pseudo yet...


Active Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
youve got me confused way over my head...

i dontl ke this behind my back thing lol ***)


Originally Posted by chickadee
how does "ahhhhh..." confuse you?
alright, that is not necessary. Bill are you just looking into what other kinds of fish you can add? I agree that you are adding things too fast. I have read many posts of yours and in the 3 months your tank has been set up you have added alot. PLEASE let your tank settle. Wait at least 3-4 more months before adding anything else. You have to let your system stabalize. Then you can start adding one fish per 2-3 weeks. You have to do these things slowly. Do you have a cycled qt set up yet?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
alright, that is not necessary. Bill are you just looking into what other kinds of fish you can add? I agree that you are adding things too fast. I have read many posts of yours and in the 3 months your tank has been set up you have added alot. PLEASE let your tank settle. Wait at least 3-4 more months before adding anything else. You have to let your system stabalize. Then you can start adding one fish per 2-3 weeks. You have to do these things slowly. Do you have a cycled qt set up yet?
i was looking for IN THE FUTURE
why do you think that i amn adding too fast i havebt put any money into my tank until the end of last month sp the past 3 months you have been reading i havent been on the froum fo awhile unless i have only been regesterd for 3 months.

well as far as the qt i cant have a empty cycled tank set up so ill just use a sponge so it dosent cycle?
if i need a qt set up all the time then this isnt the hobby at all for me cus i catn just have thses tanks set upp all around my house im sorry let me know so i know if i can sell everythin :help: