help iding algea


can someone help id this algea?I think is hair algea but i am not sure, if it is could you recommend something that eats it preferably inverts.

jimmy 4

Looks like green hair algea. Not a good thing, and hard to get rid of.
I think emerald crabs will eat it, but im not 100% on that.... sorry
If i were you i would buy a toothbrush and brush the hell out of that rock.


It seems to be green hair algae.
emerald crabs have been known to eat hair algae but sometimes they cant keep up with it.
I would suggest making sure your nitrates are low and be sure to cut down on the nutrients/ supplements being added into your tank since a high nutrient level will help hair algae grow like crazy. Also, sometimes overfeeding and too many hours of light per day can cause that algae to bloom so just make sure to watch everything and see how it goes. Scrubbing the rock will help remove some of the algae (dont scrub it in the tank since it will spread the algae) but often times scrubbing is only a short term solution,


Active Member
Green hair. It likes phosphates, proteins, yellow and red light spectrum and low flow as a rule. Measure phosphates and introduce a phosphate magnet if necessary. Do you skim? A skimmer will reduce proteins (and other particulates) in your water column. Adjust the skimmer to produce the thickest sludge possible. Check your light spectrum and photo period. Avoid direct sunlight. The sun produces a wide spectrum of light which will feed the algae. Do not overfeed your fish. I noticed in your profile that you feed flake food which is notoriously high in phosphates. Increase water flow to the area. Sometimes this has no effect at all, but if you only have it in one area it will probably help. Physically remove as much as you can by pulling it off with your fingers. This will help control spread and help you identify whether you are making progress.
For algae identification I have found no better source than:


Yup, it's hair algae. I know you said inverts but a lawn mower blenny will mow that stuff right on down.


Active Member
Also make sure you are using ro/di water and your source is good. Tap water is notorious for growing this algea.
It seems that there is a stage where most tanks have a problem with this for awhile.
Sea hares are good for this also.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mcbdz
Also make sure you are using ro/di water and your source is good. Tap water is notorious for growing this algea.
It seems that there is a stage where most tanks have a problem with this for awhile.
Sea hares are good for this also.

Good call on the water source. I often overlook the obvious.


Active Member
Originally Posted by o2ngk
Just curious if anyone know what is the best way to scrub the hair algea from the LR?
I pull off what i can pinch and remove with my fingers to keep from having a tank full of floaters. I'm experiencing a bloom after a light upgrade. The lamps that came with the fixture emit too much yellow.