Agreed- aka glass anemone- PEST! terminate him before he multiplies. There are a lot of remedies- joes juice- kalk injections- peppermint shrimp although not all of them will eat aptasia
I was told I can inject lemon juice into it will this work? Also do these glass anemones pack a powerful sting I had a one inch hippo tag die a coulple days ago with no signs of any problems?
I highly doubt an aptasia would hurt a hippo tang
they will sting though, lemon juice has worked for some (not me)....I bought Joe's Juice...One dab...and it was GONE for good
I've had excellent results with lemon juice. Mediocre results with Kalk paste.
Threadfin butterflyfish will eat it, but I strongly discourage adding livestock to battle a nuisance, especially a single stalk of aiptasia.
Originally Posted by socal57che http:///forum/post/3227510
I've had excellent results with lemon juice. Mediocre results with Kalk paste.
Threadfin butterflyfish will eat it, but I strongly discourage adding livestock to battle a nuisance, especially a single stalk of aiptasia.
+1 Are enough remedies between the ones already stated you can zap him out of there and move on to your next chapter with your tank.