Help I'm Freaking Out!!


Ok so Saturday night I went to a carnival and I wore a jean skort cuz it was like 70's that day. By the time we left it was dark out so I suppose mosquitos could've been out by then. To make a long story short I went to bed fine and woke up with bug bites all over me!! Like 10 on one leg and like 7 on the other and 3 on my arm. I think if I were that bitten up by mosquitos I would've felt it. the other perplexing factor is that my 2 little cousins stayed over night and one slept in my bed with me and one slept on my bedroom floor and they have no bites?? I've had several people tell me they look like flea bites and I've looked them up online and they do look exactly like that, but I have NO pets??? I have not gone to the Dr. because I have no ins. right now and beside the fact that they itch, I have no other symptoms. I'm using hydrocortisone cream and taking benadryl. I cleaned my house top to bottom today vacumed everything, furniture and bed too, washed bedding and all my dirty clothes but I still can't stop feeling that creepy-crawly, itchy feeling and I'm pretty much freaked out and traumatized! Anyone have any advice??


Active Member
could be red bug, or chiggers. Was the ground sandy where you were, fleas also live in the sand. I wouldnt worry too much about it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
could be red bug, or chiggers. Was the ground sandy where you were, fleas also live in the sand. I wouldnt worry too much about it.
That's what it sounds like.
I live in VA and I worked as the Medical Representative one summer at the 4-H center, and being that the kids were in the forest, creeks, tall grass..Etc..all day long,I've seen everything from mosquito bites, to chiggers, to even ticks.
Just keep using the cortisone cream. Try not to scratch, scratching can lead to a staff infection or worse, and then you WILL need to go to the Dr. One thing that helps is, if your leg itches, scratch your other leg in the same place. I can't tell you the scientific reason why this works but it does.



Active Member
Oh, I forgot - there's a meditation trick that I learned that might help:
This is called "itch meditation". If you're familiar with meditation at all, you'll know that it's basically sitting still, trying to empty your thoughts. Some people focus on their breathing, to help keep them in the moment. This one is a little different, because since you're sitting still, if you get an itch you really can't scratch it. So focus on the itch; I mean really focus on it. Keep telling yourself that "yes, there is an itch, and yes, it's annoying" and eventually you won't feel it anymore. (If there was a monk meditating smiley, it would go here)


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Or no see'ums they present like that too.
I was thinking no see'ums too...they don't bite everyone for some reason, but the people they do bite get bitten regularly. You must have sweet blood...


Active Member
ouchie... ok just to see if its chiggers or not put some clear nail polish over one of the welts let it dry then peel it off if there is a reddish dot stuck to the polish then it would be a chigger ,i'm gonna guess either mosquitos or fleas prolly mosquitos because you were outside i always get eaten alive when nobody else does
i guess its something in the blood , on a day when you know you will be outside suck the tip off of a match that little bit of sulfer in your bloodstream can be smelled by mosquitos fleas and other creepies and most of them will stay away my x husband was at ft knox in the army and they did that (the match thing)every morning


as a chronic sufferer of bug bites i'm going to go with the general public and assume it was one of the bugs mentioned above. sometimes bugs will favor one person over another. i know that i normally donate 6-7 pints to the Pittsburgh Mosquito Population every summer yet none of my friends/family seem to suffer the same fate...
if they're there longer than a week or start to grow/change colors etc then i'd seek medical attention but for the time being, i would stick with the cortisone and probably nix the bendrayl - that's just go to make you feel loopy and i really don't think it's an allergic reaction


you can also try calamine lotion. Its it very cheap and works great. Just dap it on thick with a cotton ball and let it sit. I use it for all bites and it works. Even chiggers. Everything bites me.


Since when do you feel mosquito bites...?
I lived in Georgia and Va for 10 yrs of my life and every day of the summer I would go to bed one night and wake up the next covered in mosquito bites.
From my experience, mosquito bites dont usually show up for an hour or 2 after being bitten.
And theres always some people that dont seem to be bit by mosquitos when someone else is covered in bites.


Thanx for the comments/suggestions, they seem less itchy and lighter colored today, like they are starting to fade. I was taking the benadryl because bug bites release histamines(causes the itch) and the anitihistamine in benadryl makes them less itchy(so I've been told). The carnival was on pavement but the ground near my apartment complex is rather sandy. Still don't know exactly what type of bites it is but I guess that doesn't matter too much. In NY whenever a mosquito bit me it felt like a little pinch right after and it was very easy to tell you were getting "bit up" maybe GA mosquitos are different and what the heck is a no see um??


gnats are nasty little southern bugs...and I only say that because ive never seen them in washtington state, virginia, or newyork, ive only ever seen them in Georgia.


Active Member
Welcome to GA, esp. South GA....
The best thing for Chiggers is to cover the bite with clear nail polish, mosq. not much you can do, No-See-Ums suck!!
Wait until a deer or horse fly gets you...Or better yet A Hornet...Kinda like being hit with a ball bat..