Ok so Saturday night I went to a carnival and I wore a jean skort cuz it was like 70's that day. By the time we left it was dark out so I suppose mosquitos could've been out by then. To make a long story short I went to bed fine and woke up with bug bites all over me!! Like 10 on one leg and like 7 on the other and 3 on my arm. I think if I were that bitten up by mosquitos I would've felt it. the other perplexing factor is that my 2 little cousins stayed over night and one slept in my bed with me and one slept on my bedroom floor and they have no bites?? I've had several people tell me they look like flea bites and I've looked them up online and they do look exactly like that, but I have NO pets??? I have not gone to the Dr. because I have no ins. right now and beside the fact that they itch, I have no other symptoms. I'm using hydrocortisone cream and taking benadryl. I cleaned my house top to bottom today vacumed everything, furniture and bed too, washed bedding and all my dirty clothes but I still can't stop feeling that creepy-crawly, itchy feeling and I'm pretty much freaked out and traumatized! Anyone have any advice??