The hospitals here suggest switching between ibuprofen and tylenol to keep from the body becoming immune to the meds. A weight chart for accurate dosages per otc meds is given to the parent. As long as you give meds responsibly and measure accurately it isn't an issue. There's no sense in having a young child in pain/discomfort if they don't have to be. You can also try baby orajel on her gums for teething if you're apprehensive of giving tylenol. I have given both of my children tylenol and they are perfectly healthy kids. But to each their own...Everyone has their own way of raising their kids. Just thought I'd share the information I've received and my experience with it.
Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick http:///forum/post/2951993
This is what I needed to hear... I think she IS smart enough to know when she's setting a trap for me to fall into. And she's relentless about it too... we're talking like an hour here she was crying... and there was NOTHING wrong, except that she wanted me to rock her. Crap, even saying that makes me feel like such a lazy father...
You don't have to teach girls to be evil...