Originally posted by addisondav
Yesterday i went to my LFS and they told me to put a fish in the aquarium(46g). i bought the aquarium 3 days ago and its not cycled or anything. they said the waters fine and i should put a fish in so bought some live rock(6lbs) and a damsel. Is this ok?
Originally posted by dalerich
First piece of advise is to not take advise from someone who is selling you something.
The live rock is good though. Six lbs is enough to seed the bacteria your aquarium will need. After the bacteria spread to the crushed coral and filter media, the cycle will complete. (Test with ammonia, nitrite and nitrate kits.) The reason why your water was "fine" to start with was that there was no bioload, just tap water and additives. You have to test the strength of the bacteria with a feeding and see that the ammonia doesn't spike before good water quality means anything. Your first fish will start needing food and eliminating it really quick, dumping a huge ammonia load on your uncycled tank.
Originally posted by addisondav
i also bought a protein skimmer.
I can't afford to put a pound of live rock in per gallon.
Originally posted by DSkidmore
You want to go cheap, right?
...Over time you can add one piece of live rock at a time until you have a pleasing aquascape and lots of biofiltration area.
You don't have to add it all at once. Just be aware as you add fish, that they will increase the bioload, and you'll need to increase your biofilter beforehand.