help in deciding a new fishtank.



hi everyone!!
Here is what i want to do.
I want a new replacement tank, but i dont think i want to go with the same size i have. I want a smaller tank. Biggest reason is the scratches i have in my current tank and that i only have two MH lamps which covers 6 feet. So i was thinking something 4 feet wide, and as deep as i can get one.
I would include everything i have in my current tank, and i am sure i will end up posting many more messages asking for advice on how to do so.....
I just wanted to know everyone’s opinion on this option....
as background info,
I currently have a 135 gallon tank. The tank is doing beautifully, healthy, and i couldn’t have been more pleased with the results. Only problem is i purchased the tank used, and there were scratches in the tank from the start, and the many i have added when introducing the live rock. (didnt know how important being careful was)
Well, thats the only part that isnt good. The small scratches accumulate algae growth very quickly and it takes a razor blade to take them out, and even then, with my neurotic personality, i seem to focus on those scratches every time i see the tank.
Here is my current tank.


i also have scratches in my 140... is there ANYTHING at all you can do to "buff out" the scratches in a glass tank???


you could have a custom tank size made for you i'm saving up for my
4ft X 24t x 30 deep aprox 150g lfs told me 400 - 450$ glass
also go with a better quality tank one without the center brace
the center brace reflects light and salt build up
the 90g is 4ft x 24t x 18 deep
i have a 100g now and find 18 deep the rock is still built up like a wall
not enough room front to back


Is the tank glass?? You may be able to put your stock in a temp tank and just have the glass repaired.


thank you for all your replys.
My tank is glass, and i was in the fishstore today. I think i want to get the 180 gallon, and use my 135 as the fuge/sump. It will be a substantial investment since i would want to get three more MH lights (400w) to supplement my 2 MH 175W.
I figure i would just hang out for now, until i can save enough money to do it right. I really dont want to disturb the tank at this point, everything is doing so well.
for fish, I have a yellow tang, two clowns, two firefish Gobys, one psychedelic mandarin, four bluegreen chromis, two sailfin gobys. Two cleaner shrimp, 6 pepermints, one cbs. Then a half dozen red legged crabs, 50 or so nassauras snails, a couple of queen or fighting conch, unknown amount of other snails and emeral green crabs.