HELP! Is something wrong with my clown?


I purchased a true perc clown on Saturday and acclimated him according to LFS. He is about 1.5 inches long and has two 1 inch blue-green chromis as tankmates. He was doing good on Saturday and Sunday. Sunday evening I noticed he started hanging out in the upper back corner. I woke up Mon morning and he was as high to the water level as he could be and was swimming tilted to the side. He looks perfect though and eats whenever I feed.
Could he be scared of the two smaller chromis? They dont pick on him when I am watching but they do try to shoal (school) with him.
Any info is much appreciated.
oh yeah...its in a 60gal and my water params are good.


Active Member
Mine did that for a week or so.. that is like his beginning territory... he will move about a lot more soon.


Active Member
Mine did the same thing. Kinda a la on the side float at the top of the h2o. Normal for live clows. Also normal for the dead ones. But they move alot less and dont feed too good.


If it helps, my pair of true percs tend to stay near the top of the tank in the early morning time, but during the day the swim around just fine. I believe that yours will do just fine, just give them a little time. Great choice btw on the clowns, true percs are my favorite.
Good luck and keep us posted!!!


New Member
I have two and they both hid behing a filter intake pipe way in the top left corner of the tank. I think the dwarf angel was being aggresive and chasing them there. They eventually calmed down and roamed the tank and only hid at night, and then later didn't hide at all. I think it coincided when they decided to host in a patch of zoos, I guess before behind the pipe was the closest thing to hosting they could find.


yes i agree, they dont call them clownfish for nothing. lol.....
but i have a pair of ocellaris' for almost 1 year now, and they do some weird things. i have seen them swim straight into the flow of my powerheads, and then they get blasted backwards by the current i guess they think they are surfing i dont know. as for them sleeping they will both sleep on their sides on top of the water surface, but when lights go on they are away swimming. so i think your clown will be fine


New Member
i have the same fish. and ever since i had them my pecular is allways shaoling with my cromis. but as far as ur pecular swiming to the side that is never a good sign if he shows any more signs of illness i would treat him seperatly from the rest of the tank


Everyday he comes out a little more so it looks like he'll be okay. Thanks for the help everyone!!:D
Just it hard to pair two true percs?


I have been told that it isn't too hard, just buy two small percs and introduce them to the tank at the same time.