HELP is this ICK?


are those spots on my puffers fins ick? i did QT him with hypo before i put him in main tank, he acts just fine.


Staff member
No, I don't think so, but those pics are not real clear. It may be lymphocystis which is a viral disease. The only treatment for that is good environment and quality food.
Get out a magnifying glass and give the fish a good once-over to see if you see any other spots on the body. If you followed the hypo procedures, you should be ok on that front.


Beth there are no other specks on the body of the fish, only the fins.
when you say good environment what do you mean and also i feed them squid and mysis shrimp-what kinda food do you recommend?
if u recommend a water change how much of a change to my 60 gal?
i did hypo properly and i had a feeling it was lympho.


Staff member
roggy, look up lymphocystis using the search in this forum, there are several discussion on it. Take a look at the FAQ thread and sample food reciepe in there. Variety is the key. If you don't want to make your own food, then be sure to try out several quality foods so that your fish get a good deal of variety. You can also add a supplement every other day by soaking the food in zoecon.