HELP...It may just be ick


I just got my first 2 fish...2 clowns. I have a 10 gallon tank, no corals..just live rock and sand. I also have just one blue hermit crab. I think one of my smaller clowns has ick...the bigger clown looks good, and he wont leave the little one alone..i saw him bite him and hold on...he is kinda mean. What should I do?


Originally Posted by jden092901
I just got my first 2 fish...2 clowns. I have a 10 gallon tank, no corals..just live rock and sand. I also have just one blue hermit crab. I think one of my smaller clowns has ick...the bigger clown looks good, and he wont leave the little one alone..i saw him bite him and hold on...he is kinda mean. What should I do?
Move the rock and crab to a little bucket. You will need a small powerhead or a few airstones to keep the water moving. Go to the Disease and Treatment Forum. At the top of the forum is a link called Common Treatments. Look at the post about hyposalinity. What do you use to measure your SG?


Active Member
on the aggression:
did you get 2 of the same type of clowns, and was one bigger than the other? it may be a dominance thing, or it could be 2 femals going at it.
as for ich, if one has it, the other needs to be treated.