HELP !!! it wont hook (new bowling ball)


Active Member
hey NgBom...if possible, could i ask a question dealing with bowling....i wont yet because i dont want anything to do with hijacking your thread.... :joy:


Active Member
Originally Posted by ThaNgBom
when the ball decends and make it's way faward.. as it reaches about 10''-12'' in front of me i twist my wrist like till my hand is to the right of the ball .
Are you saying the ball doesn't leave your hand until it is 10-12 inches in front of your body? If so, you're holding onto it to long. You should let it go at or just in front of your sliding foot.
As for the thumb sticking, another idea if the pitch is ok is that you may be coming around the ball too much before releasing it. That wouldn't be surprising if you are releasing it a foot in front of your body.
The crank really comes right before the release. Just keep your wrist cupped and hit up and around just a little with your fingers (making sure thumb comes out first).
If your goal is to score high and consistently I would really recomend not throwing a huge hook. I have tried every crank my body will allow at one time or another and I find that the straight shot is much easier 90% of the time. If you do end up with a hard crank, I suggest you learn the straight shot after that. It will pay off.


Active Member
well.. for one thing... the realease itself just happens when i throw the ball... it's not like i am forcing it to leave.. by just sudden jerk to a stop.. right now i cant rally controle the ball yet.. for the same reasone as above.. i dont know the realease.. i just need to see a good release just 1x in slow mo and i can fix my form and bowling.. i have to reference as to how a 3 finger release is sapoe to be.. it's like rollerblading for the 1st time.. your just have the genearal idea of how it's sapose to be.. but yet to understand how to balance and do tricks... that in my case is that i know how to bowl.. but not with 3 fingers..
ohh and that twist thing i do with my wrist.. it's not actually a twist.. it like a flip of my hand from under to the right side..
ok a thought just came to mind!!! when i releas the ball.. where should the ball land like.. .. how many feet in front of me?? ( im pretty shure it's not reallt sapose to land at all.. it's sapose to be a light drop to a glide..) ehh.. what im getting at is.. where my two fringers should face right befor i release.. and how do i get my thumb to release the ball at will..


The best advise I can give is to start from scratch. Just work on timing at first. Every bowler has a different style, approach, release,etc. But one thing every good bowler has is timing and balance. It's kind of like a baseball swing, everyone has different stances, but when they get to the hitting position they are in balance.
Where the ball lands on the lane depends on so many things it's immpossible to say. I loft the ball out probably 3 feet out onto the lane, because if I didn't it would hook too much. Another guy on my team has zero loft and his ball hits right at the foul line. Really good bowlers use a different amount of loft for different conditions.
I would look at 2 people in particular, both old school guys. Earl Anthony and Brian Voss. Earl anthony was and is the best bowler I have ever seen. He was a machine, his timing and mechanics where perfect every shot. Brian Voss has a similar style, but I have seen him crank when it was necessary. Just watch their balance and where the ball is at every step. If you have your heart set on the "crank" then find Bob Learn Jr.. Big time cranker, but his timing is really good.
All this bowling talk has got me fired up for tomorrow night!

Hope this helps and good luck.


Active Member
Like I said earlier, take your ball in your living room and set it on the floor next to your leg. Put your two fingers in once and roll it like you used to once to remember the feel of the crank (don't throw it, just roll it in place). Then put your thumb in and keep trying to roll it the same way. It's actually a pretty similar feel, except it's easier to stay under it with your thumb in.


Active Member
um... i have the idea of what you are telling me about the crank.. .. ( is it sapose to spin like a top?? ) cuzz if thats the crak im sapose to be giving the ball then.. i been doing it wrong.. i crak the ball the on the same axel as the ball takes off on when it gets to the dry ..... maybe thats my problem?? hum... thats not right then what angle do i spin it at??


Active Member
Spinning the ball is typically less than ideal. It will give you a fairly unpredictable reaction and usually doesn't carry well. I mean roll it from underneath the ball, at most you want to come around it to about a 10 o'clock angle like someone else said. If you don't use a back swing or downswing it will just go a couple feet if it moves at all. Don't overcomplicate this. Here's how to do this drill.
1. Sit in chair
2. set ball next to you on floor (try to put it on the side of your body to get a fairly natural bowling release)
3. put just your fingers in and roll it in place with the same kind of release you have when not using thumb
4. Then put your thumb in and do the same thing. You should get to a point where you can roll it from underneath similar (probably better) to the way you do it with fingers only.
That gives you an idea what it feels like. The next step is to translate that into your usual bowling form.


Active Member
ok ill try that.. but i think ill get in trouble for it.. ( probaly make nice BAM noise ) so ill probaly post what happens tomarrow.. thx guys for the help... and ill be back!!!!


I have been having a terrible time in the 10th frame of late. I usually love the 10th, but last week I opened in every 10th frame, still shot well, 646 series, but the opens cost me some $$$.
Last night first game we lose by 24 and I open in the 10th again. GRRRRR! Luckily we won the second and I struck out. The last game I needed to double in the 10th and did, we won by 7 pins. Shot 651, I think I got that little monkey off my back.
Sorry for the small hijack



Active Member
ok ill try that.. but i think ill get in trouble for it.. ( probaly make nice BAM noise ) so ill probaly post what happens tomarrow.. thx guys for the help... and ill be back!!!!
Don't lift it off the floor. Just roll it in place.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jacksdad
I have been having a terrible time in the 10th frame of late. I usually love the 10th, but last week I opened in every 10th frame, still shot well, 646 series, but the opens cost me some $$$.
Last night first game we lose by 24 and I open in the 10th again. GRRRRR! Luckily we won the second and I struck out. The last game I needed to double in the 10th and did, we won by 7 pins. Shot 651, I think I got that little monkey off my back.
Sorry for the small hijack

712 last night for me. It should have been better I just couldn't catch a break. I only missed the pocket once all night. I couldn't carry a ten pin for anything. I left one 9 pin, one 4 pin after over adjusting to carry a 10 pin, and a 2-8 on the shot I missed the pocket on. I think I had like 7 10 pins for the other spares. I was clean all night at least.
I'm not complaining about the series, it was just frustrating because I was actually hitting the pocket well and consistently for once, but my carry wasn't that good.


Active Member
im lost...... roll it in place??? not spin it in place?... .. i mean.. when u roll something it go's foward... so how do i do that?? maybe im reading into this too much... happen to have a clip or a vid somewhere i can see?? or even a few fram per fram pics?? ( something like a flip book scene..) .......


Active Member
You've got the basic idea. I say roll instead of spin because roll is basically a good kind of spin where you hit underneath the ball. "Spin" is when your hand comes around the top of the ball and it spins kinda like a top. Rolling is usually better. And the ball may go forward a foot or two, that doesn't matter. Just don't put holes in your floor (and do this on carpeting).
Your release in the pics is maybe a little on the side of the ball. Just try to get rotation from further underneath the ball. Do that until you have the feel for it, then do it on the lane.


Active Member
hum.. so the tumb hole should be kinda facing up on the release?? ( .. it's kinda like droping the ball?? but u cranke her some with the ring anf middle finger??)
u happen to have a digi?? can u post somew picks of your release w/o the ball ( kinda do it freehand so i can see it done the proper way.. so i dont learn this wrong and become a bad habit .. sry if im asking to much..)