The best advise I can give is to start from scratch. Just work on timing at first. Every bowler has a different style, approach, release,etc. But one thing every good bowler has is timing and balance. It's kind of like a baseball swing, everyone has different stances, but when they get to the hitting position they are in balance.
Where the ball lands on the lane depends on so many things it's immpossible to say. I loft the ball out probably 3 feet out onto the lane, because if I didn't it would hook too much. Another guy on my team has zero loft and his ball hits right at the foul line. Really good bowlers use a different amount of loft for different conditions.
I would look at 2 people in particular, both old school guys. Earl Anthony and Brian Voss. Earl anthony was and is the best bowler I have ever seen. He was a machine, his timing and mechanics where perfect every shot. Brian Voss has a similar style, but I have seen him crank when it was necessary. Just watch their balance and where the ball is at every step. If you have your heart set on the "crank" then find Bob Learn Jr.. Big time cranker, but his timing is really good.
All this bowling talk has got me fired up for tomorrow night!
Hope this helps and good luck.