Help!!!kole Tang Gills!!!


Ok, About 4 days ago (sunday) I had to take all my tangs out because there was a sudden problem with Peper ICH and white spot ich at the same time... well I put the Kole tang in a bare bottom glass 10 gallon tank with a regent filter (which had good bacteria on it , it was in my other quarentine tank which I used for my yellow tangs... and of course a light.... well suddenly I noticed that the kole was laying on its side and I FREAKEN OUT thinking it was dead.. so I put my hand in and it got up.... But I noticed that its gills are poked out!!! kinda flared a bit... what is going on? do I need to treat this? I have been useing a product called Quick Cure with Florm... somethings like that in it.. I duno how to spell it.. just Florm ..... something... anyway... this doesnt cure gill problems that I know of... so what could I use? or is this a problem.. I dont want to put the Kole back in the reef tank yet because of the threat of reinfestation with ICH ONCE MORE!!! Just a few weeks ago I had to take the same tang out and treat.. I gues I didnt treat long enough!!!!
This is the Same Kole tang I was having problems getting it to eat... now it will eat flakes and some nori but it still doesnt eat like the other yellows does and has always had a sunk in belly since I got it!!!! :( :( :(
please help me I am desperate!!!!


I had one with similar symptoms and I began feeding him food soaked in garlic extreme. He made an amazing recovery. Good luck to you :)


hmmm... I am not 100% sure on that one. I have always used Garlic Extreme with great results. I do not know anything about Garlic Guard. Sorry...:confused:


OK what if I get some ParaGaurd From SeaChem.. this removes bact., virus, para's, and fungus from fish... should this work on the inflamed gills?


No, should have I?... I guess I didnt think about that... anyway, This morning, and last night I notice that her gills are not inflamed anymore... however I did add a air pump with a diffuser in there yesterday... could lack of O2 been the problem... she seems fine now... BTW:
I have been treating these fish since Sunday afternoon.... Do you think they are ready to go back in the Display yet?
I see NO visible signs of Ich, however I do worry that they could still reoccur... thats why Im asking!
So what do you think?


Staff member
shawn, I know you think you have found other answers, but please read the ICH post as well as the post on formalin bathes in the FAQ Thread at the top of the fourm. That is the treatment for ich and black ich. Those who have visited us here for help, as well as thousands of others in the hobby have had tremendous success with hyposalinity with no ill effects to the fish.


Active Member
Shawn - I would add that 4 tangs in a 75 gallon is not, in any case, a healthy environment for the fish. Possibly one but, that's stretching it.


Yes I would have to agree with you on the 4 tangs, however I have talked with serveral people about this subject and I do believe it can be donw but care and concideration must be taking into thinking when selecting the tangs and at the times of placement in the tank... also you MUST have a SERIOUSLY POWERFUL FILTRATION SYSTEM complete with a refugium LOL!!!
which I have :)
thanks for your concern.. I am thinking about getting rid of one of the yellow, and possible the kole tang and replace these two with a sohal... or maybe just a flame angel.. hum, just a thought