HELP! Leather melting!


New Member
I originally had him (looks like a toadstool) on the substrate but then he developed a black splotch. I then picked him up and realized the 'stalk' was rotting. I performed minor surgery last night and cut out the black splotch, wiped the disintigrating portion of the stalk and gave him a kent iodine bath. Today it was much of the same although I cut off the bottom of his stalk. I am fearfull he will continue to melt. I also now have him on a rock.


New Member
When you say improve water quality, which parameters are you talking about. Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate all read zero. Calcium is at 400 and change. PH is 8.25. (BTW, Sammy thanks for your help on the Barnacle.)


When I purchased my leather, it was in a poor condition, stalk was rotting. At that time, leather is my second reef addition beside mushroom in my tank. I have managed to keep the leather closer to light, aim moderate current at the rotting stalk to wash away any peeling rotting stuffs. Add extra Iodine to help the leather to heel faster. Keep in mind, too much Iodine will have an ill effect on other coral like Xenia. Besides, good water condition would help a lot. I keep my protein skimmer on 24/7 to skim away any waste, constant water change to keep a better water condition. This is the process that I have saved my leather. You might want to wait for other response to see if there is a better solution. Good luck and keep us posted. :) :)


New Member
Thanks for the advice. I performed the surgery, put him on a rock in good water flow and I've got my fingers crossed. Was it problematic for him to be on the substrate? (Ie. could that be the source of this?)