Help LFS Saltwater Mix had Ammonia in It


I have been unable to get my normal RO water due to the hurricanes (even through I lived 150 miles inland, people were a little odd here in Austin)...The shelves were cleaned off last week before I went to get some)and the stores are unable to restock due to being deverted to the areas that are still without water.
Anyway to make a long story short. Since I could not get the RO I brought some already mixed saltwater from a LFS today and since I didn't do my regular 1 gal last week week change I did a 25% change. I always check my water before and after changes. and to my total amazement my ammonia level was at .25 after the change. I had a little of the LFS saltwater left over so I checked the ammonia and discovered that there was ammonia in it (it was between .25&.50) which explains the reason for the tank reading. I did check my kit to make sure it was correct with a sample from my filter home water...No trace of ammonia.
What should I do...
I could mix up of water here using my water filter (carbon-type), but it will still be tomorrow before it could be used because of the salt needing to mix completely. (Right?)
Will the ammonia hurt my coral and other inverbrates that quickly?
PS I will never visit that LFS again! :mad: :mad:


Active Member
was it fresh premix, or did they take it out of thier tanks. I went to one store, and they were filling my jugs from thier display tank, just as i cought them.
do you have any carbon, or ammonia remover, like renew.
Hope it all works out.


Thanks Teresa,
I put some amquel+ in there and everyone looks fine this morning. I will get a change down today.


New Member
did you get your water from pet connection? i had some trouble with my water as well. the salinty was like 1.028-1.029 it was high. they told me it was not an accident but who knows. do you know anyone who frags in cedar park