Help.... Lighting problem !!!


New Member
I need some help, I juts got a 75 gallon reef tank from a friend with a 65W X 4 (2 actinic) bulbs but two of the four lights are burned out (ballasts). I have found that the maker of the light is out of business so replacing the ballasts has hit a dead end so I need a new light....what do I need 65 X 4 again with some moonlights or should I get a 2X250 + 4 X65 plus moonlights. I want to work towards a beautiful reef with anemones and corals, am halfway there with just what he had... the price difference is significant between the two...which should I buy and, I need to decide now because my guys arent happy with 130 watts right now..HELP?????


if you want to keep anemones or sps corals, definitely go with the 250's. They need the high intensity of the metal halides.

mandarin w

If you are wanting to build towards a reef with anemones, and many different corals, you best bet would be the 250x2 with the 4x65. That would open you up to unlimited possibilities. With that said. You will need to watch for heat issues. Make sure not to keep the lights directly on the tank. Leave at least 4inches, 6-8 is better, between the lights and the tank. This way a fan could push the heat away from the tank. Also DO NOT KEEP THE GLASS COVERS OVER YOU TANK. Cover your tank with egg crate. This a white plastic cover. you will find it in the lighting department in your hardware store. If you are not sure what it looks like, just do a search on here for it. I know several pictures have been posted of it.


New Member
Not a glass tank, has a custom lid that holds the fixture about 4 inches over the acrylic tank top, is that enough or do I need the egg crate stuff?

mandarin w

Take all tops off. If you have a canopy, make sure it is well ventilated. Most people install a few small computer fans,(two on each side) to blow cooler air through.
The light from these lights are strong, and pretty warm. But just like a closed up car in the summertime. The glass will intensify the heat many times over. That is why we remove the glass, and even the acrylic covers off the tank, It helps the tank with gas exchange, which is our terms, like sweating on a hot summer day. If your body doesn't or can't sweat, you will suffer a heat illness, like heat exhaustion or even heat stroke. Same for your tank. In the reefing sense.


New Member
won't I then have a high rate of evaporation? What about the fish....gobies, etc. that can jump out?. Is that what the egg crate is for?


New Member
What if I just use the legs and attach them to the custom case? Then air can flow through and it is 8-9 inches off the tank....would I still need to remove the covers?

mandarin w

Yes, you would still need to remove the covers. You want evaporation, Just like you want your body to sweat. It help carry the heat out. It is your bodies natural cooling system. Same for the tank. That is what the egg crate is for. Helps keep the fish in, while letting the tank exchange gasses.