help lighting question...:)


I just recently bought a canopy for my 29 gallon. Now my lights wont fit (which they arent enough wattage for what i have anyway). So i am using this as a good excuse to get the lights I want. Do you think it would be ok to get the 24inch lights and just set on the glass top or mount to the top of the canopy. I currently have a 30 inch double 20watt light that is to snug.
I bought a mandarin last week and he is the neatest fish i have ever had. I didn't think there was another thing in the world that looked for food as much as me till i got


i would get lights that mount in the canopy and ditch the glass top. not having the glass top will improve gas exchange. just my opinion.


I will be the first to inform you, but you probably shouldnt have a mandarain in a 29g. People will tell you that 100lbs or LR in an established tank is sufficient for a mandarain. Their diet includes pods, which your tank might have, but their population wont be able to keep up with how quickly he will eat them(and you said it that he eats like a pig).
Anyhow, I will let other people give you their opinion, but just wanted to inform you.
Sorry a bit off the subject, but dont want to see your mandarian dwindle away!


so bentrue there is no worries about water accidently splashing on the bulbs?
And as for the mandarin i plan on getting a 220 gallon as soon as we move. That should do him good.
I named him Jimmy for his colors.


Active Member
If you want to mount lights in your canopy, you want to install a retrofit kit. There are three types of high intensity lighting commonly retrofitted into canopies: PC, VHO, and metal halide. For a 29 gallon tank, PC or VHO would be your best bet, as either choice would give allow you many options for corals, and wouldn't cause too much of a heating issue.