HELP!! Losing SPS!!


Active Member
yeah the lighting could have been too fast and what reef says its hard to pinpoint to one thing it could been the combo of the trates and trites along with the new lighting that stressed them out and caused them to rtn


Thanks reefnut, promise, and murph. I am running carbon and going to do a 30g water change again tomorrow. Inretrospect I think the lighting switch was too much for them in combination with the trites and trates going up as well as the low pH. I am trying hard to correct everything and get it back to as stable as it was.
Today it looks as if my A. convexa and my A. samoensis may have some STN, along with one of my monti caps. Gonna keep a close eye on em do the water change. Post an update tomorrow.
Thanks again for your help everyone.


Active Member
Your temp is to high.
not totally the problem..but its sure not helping it...
keep your tank at 77/78 degrees