I helped a friend of mine set up a small reef tank about two months ago. He got a 36 bow corner tank. He got 50 lb. LS and 50 lb. LR and a BakPak II skimmer on my recommendation. He also got a 250 watt 10000K MH with 110 watts of actinic VHO supplementation. He recently got a chiller because it was running a bit hot. After I set his tank up is where the fun began. He ordered 2 yellow tangs 2 oscillaris clownfish and a Pink Tip Haitian. He ordered these a week after putting in the LR. I told him to take the tangs back and get something else and that the anemone would probably die. He didn't. Instead he got an emperor angel and a bunch of coral. He then rearranged his rock to give his fish more swimming room and now his tank is messed up. He said after he rearranged the rock the water turned a milky color and hasn't settled in 4 days. Also there has been a major outbreak of red slime completely covering the sand and LR. He said you can't see the LR even for the milkyness of the water. He did a 15 gallon water change and it is still milky. He started with tap water against my recommendation but has been changing it slowly to RO/DI. What can I tell him to do to fix it other than get rid of half the fish and keep doing water changes? He is leaving for Spring Break on Friday.