Hi. This is my first tank ever. its a 46 gal bowfront and it's currently cycling w/ 45lbs of fiji LR, and aragonite sand.
I guess I didn't rinse off the rock enough before putting it in, but there is a lot of detrius settling on my sand.
I don't have too many good fish stores around here, and snails are like 3-4$$ a piece and on this site you can get like 10 for 15$$. the thing is that the shipping requirements kill the deal.
I want to get a diamond goby, but i want to also have snails and an emerald crab (maybe 3 because they come 3 for 10$ [they were 13$$ in the store for 1]). would there be any problems w/ them?? I also want to add more gobies to my tank because they are cheap and look pretty good, bad idea??
anyway, would it be okay for me to order 1 diamond goby, 2 percula clowns, 3 emerald crabs, 10 nass snails, and 10 turbos?? and a cleaner shrimp $5!!!! I'm doing this because I'm not plannin on ordering $80 worth of stuff to meet the shipping minimum again so im stocking up.
I would put hte clean up crew in all at once and EITHER the goby or 2 clowns in the DT and whatever i keep out i'll keep in the QT. I'll feed the inverts whatever supplement you need considering there won't be enough junk in the tank w/ only 1 fish. I dont' mind getting another goby, i like basically all the shrimp gobies. Can i have more than one as long as they arent the same (ex 2 yellow watchmen)? and firefish are awesome, but i saw some at my LFS also.
i can get the clowns around here for roughly the same price so i'm think maybe i'll hold off ont hem and get something a little harder to find while i'm ordering online, any other suggestions?? maybe a mandarin goby, or is my tank not established enough and would it fight w/ other fish??
does this sound like a plan or am i doing something wrong??
I love/hate this site. Love cause you help so much, hate cause if i never found it, i'd be $600 richer.
I guess I didn't rinse off the rock enough before putting it in, but there is a lot of detrius settling on my sand.
I don't have too many good fish stores around here, and snails are like 3-4$$ a piece and on this site you can get like 10 for 15$$. the thing is that the shipping requirements kill the deal.
I want to get a diamond goby, but i want to also have snails and an emerald crab (maybe 3 because they come 3 for 10$ [they were 13$$ in the store for 1]). would there be any problems w/ them?? I also want to add more gobies to my tank because they are cheap and look pretty good, bad idea??
anyway, would it be okay for me to order 1 diamond goby, 2 percula clowns, 3 emerald crabs, 10 nass snails, and 10 turbos?? and a cleaner shrimp $5!!!! I'm doing this because I'm not plannin on ordering $80 worth of stuff to meet the shipping minimum again so im stocking up.
I would put hte clean up crew in all at once and EITHER the goby or 2 clowns in the DT and whatever i keep out i'll keep in the QT. I'll feed the inverts whatever supplement you need considering there won't be enough junk in the tank w/ only 1 fish. I dont' mind getting another goby, i like basically all the shrimp gobies. Can i have more than one as long as they arent the same (ex 2 yellow watchmen)? and firefish are awesome, but i saw some at my LFS also.
i can get the clowns around here for roughly the same price so i'm think maybe i'll hold off ont hem and get something a little harder to find while i'm ordering online, any other suggestions?? maybe a mandarin goby, or is my tank not established enough and would it fight w/ other fish??
does this sound like a plan or am i doing something wrong??
I love/hate this site. Love cause you help so much, hate cause if i never found it, i'd be $600 richer.