help me choose an anenome


im loking to get an anenome or 2 and was wondering what you all think i should get. i have a 120 gallon with demensions of 60"Lx26"Hx18"W and i have pc lighting with a total of 260watts 4x65w 10000k whites and 4 atnics 6500k i believe. i have 175lbs of LR and 1-1 1/2" of live sand. theres going to be 2 percs and three blue eyed anthias i ordered them today. i have 4 maxi jets 2x 600 and 2x 900. and i have more then adequate filtration. the readings in my tank are where they are supposed to be as well. if any of you have any ideas, please share them i would greatly appreciate it.


Active Member
You do not have enough lighting for an anemone. You should have it least 500 watts of high powered lighting like metal halide or VHO. Your tank is deep as well so you will definately need it unless you have rocks near the surface that they can go on.
Upgrade your lighting or add another 300 or so watts of PC and then consider an anemone. Other than that, sounds like a really nice system!


i have rock about 6-8" from the surface, would that be close enough or should i wait? i am probably going to get one of those, maybe 2 of the MH lights that you clamp on the side of the tank, i think they are like 175w each would that be good?


yeah, i agree, you need about 500-600W. pc would be fine. it doesnt really matter if you have rocks that are high because the anemone will most likely move around. the high spots would only benefit corals.
also how long has your tank been setup. anemones do better in an established mature tank. they need very pristine and stable conditions.


its been up for a couple months but was going to wait at least for more months before adding the anenome. do you think it would be okay to ad coral? if so what kind with the lighting i have already. it 260w of pc


Active Member
i replied in your other post in the reef section about your anemone with the lighting you have....
if your looking for corals with that lighting the ones that you could probably keep with that lighting would be mushrooms and polyps of different kinds and colors.... you can keep many different soft corals with your lighting but they will not grow as fast as if lets say u had more lighting..... overall in general it would be best for more lighting if u decided to start keeping corals or anemones..... but soft corals would be your best bet with what you currently have....
do some searches on soft corals and u can find some that are very attractive and will look good in your tank....
good luck


Your lighting would be perfect for a 55 g tank. But even so, you would only have enough power for soft corals/mushrooms.