help me choose what bulbs


New Member
i have a 6ft vho box lighting for my reef tank..... if you were able to choose what 4 bulbs types to put in the casing...what would the 4 bulbs be..... thank you for your opinions....


Active Member
2 actinic, 1 50/50, and one 10k sunlight. That is what I run over my 75 gallon each a 110 watts. I have clams, lots of sps and lps, and many soft corals and sponges. I grow just about every thing with that combination.


how are your clams and sps doing under vho's? growing "fast"? i just picked up a sps frag.. seriatopora hystrix... got compact flourescents.. hope it works out.. so far i've been doing lps and other stuff... got about 5 watts per gallon


My choice would be URI bulbs.
Actinic and 12,000k 50/50


Active Member
Spicyballs, they are all doing wonderful everything is growing and looking very healthy. I use red sea calcium plus 3 for my supplements, I only have to dose it weekly and it maintains all my levels pretty well but I always cary kent calcium in case it drops I can raise it qiuck but so far haven't had that problem. I could not believe how fast my xenia pom pom is growing! It may seem like a lot of blue but it looks cool and my corals seem to love it including the clams, The maximas look spectacular with the blue. I run 1 50/50 and 1 actinic over my 2x55 watt power compact over my 20g high. LOOKIN GOOD!!!!


Active Member
Also spicyballs your new sps frag should do great under your powercompacts if you have 5 watts per gallon. I have a few sps frags in my 20 gallon high with 110 watts of light I also have a dersea (did i spell that right) clam in there that is about 3 inches and is always open!


:D that's what i wanted to hear.. nice... in terms of sps, i think i'm only going to do the seriatopora hystrix and pocillopora.. none of the acros for me at this time.. :D they look great, but would require a lot more money to upgrade my lighting and what not... hobby isn't cheap..
i've already sold my car, get a second job, and took out a home equity loan...