help me choose where to live...


Active Member
Culinary School is ALL about networking, screw what you learn, you will learn your Mother sauces, how to break down a Chine bone from Hoss. and all the shmucky stuff but I would honestly say 7 of 10 formally educated culinarians cant tell between a Tourne and a Jullien, practice knife skills. Over and over practice untill you can deliver a perfect 10 on demand. Great Chefs with Great careers have nothing to do with thier education beyond the networking that allows them to show of thier practice and attention to detail with consistancy. If you can afford it CC in San Fran is indeed excellent but it pumps out Cert Culinarians all day long that have to fight for 12.00 per hour, sure they know how to be creative and they are passionate, but ask them to show you the basics and they fail miserably so they wind up on a cooks line at a local steakhouse or cheesball bistro. Also learn 200 words of French and 200 words of Spanish before you even apply. In the culinary industry it is a MUST to be able to communicate basics with your ENTIRE staff as so your not seen as a dictator. Worst thing to hear when you walk in is - "SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH The EC is here."
I went on a total rant there, please pardon me, I LOVE the industry but cant stand interviewing these so-called "chefs" that cant cook thier way out of a wet bag of groceries. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE dont let my potentially negative spin of the industry deter you from your pursute, but make sure you go in with eyes open. Do a working sit-in with a nicer restaraunt for a few weeks. Make sure if they have baked potatoes or primerib on the menu find a different restaraunt. Also perhaps look into the local chapter of the American Culinary Federation. they do 3 year endentured Apprenticeship programs that in my opinion prepare and teach much much more than regular school would.
Like every post- this is JUST MY OPINION, tell me to shove it and I wont hurt my feelings. And if you do decide on going after formal education I wish you all the fortune in the world with whatever you decide.
ReefForBrains C.C, C.S.C, C.D.C................LOL


if you are throwing wisconsin in that list i would suggest minnesota. we have a great culinary school called LeCordon Blue or somethin like that i dunno for sure. my friend goes there and he says its a great place to work and they set you up while going to school there at a very nice restraunt around the twin cities area. My friend got placed at his first job and started at 24 an hour and i think hes at like 30 now or so, not bad for a only 2 years into school.
and besides minnesota is much much better than wisconsin, nobody wants to be a sconnie on purpose, just kiding people, but we have great lakes here everywhere you look if u like to board or fish or anything of that nature and plenty of awesome resorts on superior and other bigger lakes. decent runs for boardin in the winter but nothin compared to places in colorado