Help me choose which goby?


I have been looking at either a Randall's Goby or a Rainford's Goby. I would like to hear why which one you think I should get. I have a 29gal reef tank with about 35 lbs of live rock and 3+ in. live sand. For fish I have a small blue tang (Dori) and a false perc (Nemo), one royal gramma and a red scooter dragnet and I have 2 cleaner shrimp and a brittle star. Here is a pic of my tank.


your planning to move that blue tang to a larger tank right. a 29 gal tank would not be able to sustain that thing, they need swimming space. I think 2-4 fishes is enough for a tank this size, you have a heavy bioload as it is. I suggest getting rid of the tang and get either one of the fish you listed that you wanted to get.
Anyways, I too have a small 30gal tank. So far I Have a firefish and totally love it but I'm looking into getting a a "hi fin" goby and a clown citron goby. But I somewhat like the randall's goby.


Active Member

Originally posted by Emoezekiel
your planning to move that blue tang to a larger tank right. a 29 gal tank would not be able to sustain that thing, they need swimming space. I think 2-4 fishes is enough for a tank this size, you have a heavy bioload as it is. I suggest getting rid of the tang and get either one of the fish you listed that you wanted to get.

I agree. :yes:


Yeah, I am planning on moving my blue tang. Right now it is only 3 in long. It has lot of swimming space. My dad has a 180 gal that I am planning on putting it in. I know that my bio load is a little heavy. Thats why I have a skimmer, 20 gal refuge and a emperor 400. I also check my water all the time and never had a problem. I figured because I have a small tank and wanted what I did, I needed a good filter system. Plus I change 10 gal every 3 weeks. What can I say, I love my tank.


I wouldn't get the rainford goby. They need a lot of algea to graze on and I've heard they don't convert to processed foods very easy. I wanted one pretty bad, but passed on it.
Also, the scooter is a dragonette. Unless you have a good pod population or have managed to convert him to processed foods, you'll loose him. I bought one as my first fish and it died 4 months later



I would just get a Yellow watchman goby or Two very different colored Clown gobies. Like black adn yellow


Meadbhb, dont worry about my scooter. It is doing great. At first I was scared because it was really skinny and wasnt going after my copods. I tried every thing from live brine to mysid shrimp. My friend told me to try formula one. The scooter really liked that. Thats is what got him over his hump of not eating. Now he eats every thing that is put in the tank. Even pellets.


Great! I know the scooters are supposed to be one of the easier dragonette's to convert to processed foods, but I still try and let folks know that they're still dragonettes.


Oh, sorry:yes: Yeah, people alway tried to tell me that it was a goby or a blenny and this was at a LFS as well as other people online. I have a book, and the guy who wrote the book has a PhD or something in Marine Biology. They know generally what they are talking about.
Has any one had experience with a Randall's gobie?


New Member
I also agree that the Yellow Watchman Goby is the way to go, just look at my little guy! How can you not say no to that face? lol