Help Me Convince My Folks


Hi, My name is Matt........and I'm a fishoholic. Right now I have 4 Marine tanks and 4 Freshwater tanks, I will be the first to admit that this is a little more than a hobby but I love it! My parents have a 29 gallon freshwater and they are convinced that that’s enough. They just redecorated our kitchen and I need help convincing them that they need to put either a 29 or a 55 gallon in this one particular spot because it would just look sooooooooooooooooooooooooo good. I have all the filtration stuff coming in the mail and all they would need is the tank, the rock and the fish. On top of all this I told them I would do all the maintenance on it to. They still say no, please give me some reasons why you like your marine tanks!!!!!!!


well in terms of filtration i had a DIY Wet/Dry built for my 120 but my parents deamed it as "unsafe" seeing as how if the returm pump failed the I would have 120 gallons of water in my floor in half an hour. So they forced me to go with cans. I am looking for a good UV but I dont know ANYTHING about lighting. All I know is that all I have are striplights that came with my tanks.
I also side with your parents. It is a great hobby but I think that, what did you say 8 tanks, is way too many. Your electric bill must be through the roof and your house must sound like a control center with all the pumps going.
I have three tanks and that is enough. One in the living room, kitchen and my room.
Again I side with your parents.


Ya gotta admit your hands are full. Why not take down 2 of your 10g . Show you're willing to make a sacrifice It will show your devotion to the new tank. I dont care how old ya are parents just love that stuff.;)