Help me decide what kinds of aggressive fish i should get.


New Member
there is a very big space in my house that is just dying for a tank. i definitely know that i'm going to be buying a tank, i just don't know what to put in it. the tank will be around 100 gallons.
i know for sure is that it has to be saltwater and the fish have to be aggressive.
the only thing i can think of right now is a trigger/eel/lion tank, but a friend of mine is already doing that and i'm kind of bored with them. the only other thing i can think of is a saltwater barracuda setup, but they are hard to come by and there's not a lot of information about them on the web.
so help me out. give me some suggestions.


barracuda get too big. is this your first sw tank? i would og with a snowflake eel, a niger trigger and a fuzzy dwarf lion


I'm in almost the same process. I have a 180 gal that I converted to salt and have a Niger trigger, Dogface Puffer, Volitan Lion, and a Ghost Eel in it right now. They are pretty small fish right now but I did the wrong thing with my reef 112 gal and over loaded the tank with 4 tangs and now they are fighting atleast two of them(Naso & Purple). One of the are going to go in my 180. The fun is catching them. Make sure what you want and what your tank can hold is the first thing you want to do.


Get a Zebra Moraay EEL, Sweetest personality! Wouldn'
t you love to go to work and brag, "hey dude, I've got a 4 ft. eel!"
Or, if you're an advanced aquarist, and you wanna go big and rare, try the dragon Moraay eel, Beautiful animal, but expert only


If i had a tank that big i'd get a couple of rays. you can pet them, hand feed them and play with them. they are like little wet puppies.


Active Member
For a 100g, you have some pretty good choices. There are a lot of eels you could chose between. Among them are snowflakes, chainlinks, goldentails, green wolf (psuedochromis), and a few others. Dwarf lions would be nice, as would some of the smaller species such as radiatas and antennas. If you get a 5' tank, you could look into harlequin tusks and some other wrasses. There are a few smaller groupers out there as well. Do some reading, chose about 4 fish that would get a long with each other, and move on from there. Bo