Help me decide!


Please help me to make a right decision!
Here is my story:
I own a 24g aqaupod(pc lighting) with stand. I sold my larger tank, and now I have $700 to spend. I can't decide what decision I should make:
Decision 1
Buy Sunpod 150watt MH light, and Chiller for my 24g Aquapod?
Decision 2
Buy a 34g Red Sea Max(found it for $680.00/Tank with stand). Sell my Aquapod, and buy chiller(my apartment get's hot). In the future spend an extra money, and get the MH light upgrade from nano tuners?
Thanks in advance!


Active Member
Heh, that's all up to you and what you want to do. The Red Sea Max comes with PC lighting too, doesn't it? I've personally considered that one, they have it setup at my LFS and it sure looks nice. But, MH lighting sure is nice for coral in your Aquapod. Personally, I'd find a way to do both....haha.


if you have 700 why are you thinking about getting all of that stuff. you could just get some reals nice corals for your aquapod.

matt b

Active Member
if i was you i would upgrade the tank you have now and make it sweet get some cool corals and stuff and then just save the rest so if something happens


Originally Posted by tmgpp
if you have 700 why are you thinking about getting all of that stuff. you could just get some reals nice corals for your aquapod.
My aquapod is pretty much full. I just left some room for a clam (reson for MH lighting). Another reason for a light upgrade is that I wanted to add color to my corals. I don't really like the original lighting.


Originally Posted by m0nk
Heh, that's all up to you and what you want to do. The Red Sea Max comes with PC lighting too, doesn't it? I've personally considered that one, they have it setup at my LFS and it sure looks nice. But, MH lighting sure is nice for coral in your Aquapod. Personally, I'd find a way to do both....haha.
hahaha, no one tank is already taking to much time away from my wife! :) I don't want to get shot!


Thank you for your responses! I also decided to go with option one.
Today I ordered a chiller, sunpod 150MH light, and guess what I decided to buy one more thing: hang on Aquafuge with skimmer! And my $$$ said bye bye bye bye bye bye bye