help me identify


New Member
Today there are tons of small white creatures in my tank today. They look to scoot around on the glass and about the size of a grain of sand. They are too small to photograph. Any idea what they may be or if it's bad? I added a reef cleaner package from on thursday which included lots of snails and hermit crabs, 3 emeralde crabs, a coral banded shrimp, 2 brittle stars and 2 clams. Maybe it's coincidental but they are mostly in the area where one clam burried itself. Also the tank is cloudy today and has been clear. Ideas? I know this is weak on details, sorry.


I think the tank could be cloudy from the clam burying itself. Do a water test and make sure that its not ammonia, cause that can cloud the water. As far as the little white guys, they're probably copepods. They usually come in live rock, living in the caves, or it can come in a ball of cheato. You can also buy it in bags for feeding things such as mandarin Dragnets, etc


New Member
I was wondering if it could be shrimp larvae. The coral banded shrimp looks like a femal as it has a blue/green abdomen. Since I've never observed shrimp I am not sure. I see the shrimp open the abdomen area and shove the small claw arms in there (looks like fluffing the area). I checked amonia this morning and it is between 0-.25 which is better than thursday. My clown fish seem very active in the same area like they are trying to eat them but I have not witnessed it, just active around them.


I drop pods in my tank for my clowns to eat, they love small inverts. As far as the shrimp goes I have no clue, but when I got my scarlet skunk cleaner, I was surprised to watch her "shovel" green eggs out of her abdomen. So I will admit that I am no expert on the larval shrimp.