Help Me Name My Horses, Please!


Well I am unable to come up with names. Took me forever to name my dogs and cats that is how bad I am at making a choice. I was hopping someone here could help with picking names for my horses so they can be named! My male is black and my female is a golden yellow with a few black spots!

scuba diva

They sound beautiful! How 'bout a pic? I am really into Egyptology. The Gods & Godesses were very powerful and respected. Sah and Sopdet (Sothis) were The Astral God and Goddess. The story of their existance is romantic and beatiful. Here is a link to their story. Maybe this is too heavy for some, but I think that names must be very special and have meaning. read that and let me know what you think.


I like really unique names too! I dont name my fish, but when I get my sea horses I will name them!!
What in particular do you like??? ie; flowers, jemstones etc...thats how I start out.....
jsut ask my husband--he laughs because it takes me weeks sometimes to think of cool names like if I am going to register my animals with certain assoiations (like my paint horses)! Drives him nuts!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shaunalynna
Well I am unable to come up with names. Took me forever to name my dogs and cats that is how bad I am at making a choice. I was hopping someone here could help with picking names for my horses so they can be named! My male is black and my female is a golden yellow with a few black spots!
Need pics!!!!!


I to like uniqe names and usually name my animals by personality or what they remind us of. It can take me forever to pick names. I don't name all my fish a few have names but not many. I want the horeses to have names though as there the main attraction in our house in the living room. Thanks on the avatar, I found it online. Gorgeous psint horse you have there! I love horses and miss my babies so much I had growing up.
Let me get the current pic I took of them together uploaded off my cell phone and then I will post.


Here are recent pics of them both. My male the black one likes to stay to the bottom of the tank hitched to his things mostly. I guess he is my shy one! My female the yellow one will swim everywhere and check things out constantly!



still no names for these guys..I have been on bed rest for leg/back problems as suggested by my Dr. so have not been in the living room much and seeing that tank..Please help me choose names for my babies, the horses at least deserve to be named..If my resting area was in the living room I would see them plenty and could choose by personality...
Originally Posted by Shaunalynna
I like Onyx and Sunshine cute...something to help get me thinking unless we use them.
I say Breezy for the female (cause she is always moving....leaving a breeze...
and Stang, ie mustang for the male.


Thanks for the suggestion everyone! I appreciate them all and really like many of them. Sadly as most know I lost my black male before he got to get a name. My yellow female though named herself that day. She is now named Cherish, as she held on to the male with her tail while he was passing. It was then that I saw she had feelings and was seeing that what she Cherished was being lost. It was so touching to see her do this, sad of couse to watch but she had to be named Cherish after I seen this!